

What Do I Need to Know if I Am Pregnant in College?

Exams, papers, sporting events, and parties fill a college student’s life. How can you possibly add a pregnancy? We’re here to tell you that just because your pregnancy is unplanned, it doesn’t mean it’s impossible. You have rights and options. Let’s talk about it. Title IX Protects You There’s been a lot of talk about

My Birth Control Failed: What do I do?

Don’t you hate it when you try to be responsible, and things still happen? That’s the way it is with contraception. No birth control provides 100% protection. Your first step is to confirm you are actually pregnant. If yes, it’s time to discuss your options. Have You Confirmed Your Pregnancy? That seems like a silly

What Can I Do If My Partner Doesn’t Support My Pregnancy?

An unexpected pregnancy is hard enough. To find out your partner doesn’t support you makes it even harder. The good news is you, and only you, have the right to decide what to do about it. No one can legally force you to make one choice over another. If your partner is unsupportive, you need

What Does Adoption Look Like When My Child Grows Up?

Adoption is not a one-time event. It’s a lifetime event. It affects you, your child, and their adoptive parents forever. When considering this choice, realize you will always be a mother. That will never change. How Can I Have a Relationship With My Child? Part of considering if adoption is the right choice for you

How Do I Place My Child for Adoption?

Your first step in placing your child for adoption is finding a reputable adoption coordinator you can trust. There are different types of adoptions depending on your situation. If you are an expectant woman or have recently given birth, make sure you receive the adoption services that put your needs and wants first. Choose a

Will I Be Legally Responsible For a Child If I Get My Partner Pregnant?

An unplanned pregnancy is a shock not only for a woman but also for her partner. The news is mixed with unbelief, confusion, and fear. Are you wondering if you will be financially or legally responsible? The decision is in your partner’s hands. What Is My Responsibility? In Missouri, you are legally liable to financially

Will I Pass My STI to My Child?

No one wants to admit the possibility of having a sexually transmitted infection (STI). After all, getting an STI happens to other people, not you. The CDC says 1 in 5 people in the U.S. have an STI, totaling nearly 68 million people. It’s possible to have an STI and not have symptoms, and yes,

What Can I Do if My Partner is Pregnant, But I Don’t Want to Be a Dad?

We’ve got good news and bad news. Here’s the bad news – ultimately, your partner is the only one who can decide how to handle the pregnancy. The good news is she has another option besides parenting.  Have you talked about making an adoption plan? Set up a time with A Gift of Hope Adoptions

I Don’t Want Another Abortion?

For many women, an abortion is physically and emotionally challenging. It is an experience they do not want to repeat. However, if you find yourself unexpectedly pregnant and don’t want an abortion, what are your choices? Perhaps placing your child for adoption is the answer. Take a closer look at how it could benefit both

How Do I Make an Adoption Plan?

Choosing to make an adoption plan seems scary. There are many unknowns at first, but you’ve come to the right place to learn more. By selecting A Gift of Hope Adoptions, you receive individualized support and care to create the perfect adoption plan for you and your child.  From choosing the type of adoption and

What Is a Semi-Open Adoption?

There are three adoption plans to choose from. The amount of contact you want with your child and their adoptive family determines which plan you choose. Today, 90-95% of adoptions are either open or semi-open. A semi-open adoption gives you contact while keeping your privacy. Could this be the right plan for you? How Does

What Is a Closed Adoption?

You have several choices if you are thinking about making an adoption plan. It’s possible to select the potential adoptive parents. You also choose from one of three adoption plans. When you pick a closed or confidential plan, you have complete anonymity. See which plan is right for you. What is an Adoption Plan? When

What Is an Open Adoption?

Today, almost 90 to 95% of adoptions are either open or semi-open. Transparency, communication, and the willingness to blend biological parents with adoptive parents make the adoption process smoother for everyone. An open adoption isn’t co-parenting, but it allows both sides to give the child they share an excellent foundation. How Does Open Adoption Work?

I Don’t Want to be Pregnant. Is Abortion My Only Option?

Discovering you are unexpectedly pregnant is a shock. You stare at the pregnancy test in disbelief. Now comes the big decision. What are you going to do? You have three options: have an abortion, parent your child, or make an adoption plan. It is essential to carefully examine each option because all three are life-changing

Is Abortion or Adoption Right for Me?

Facing an unplanned pregnancy means you have a big decision to make. Should you choose to have an abortion or make an adoption plan? Neither choice is easy to make, but they have very different outcomes. Only you can decide what’s best for you. Let’s take a closer look. Have You Confirmed Your Pregnancy? This

I’ve Already Had an Abortion and Don’t Want Another One. What are My Options?

Various studies have shown a connection between abortion and emotional health for some women. Although many women feel relief immediately following their abortion, some feel sadness, guilt, and anxiety about their choice. When faced with an unplanned pregnancy, you have another option. Why not take a closer look at placing your child for adoption? What

Support Services for Birth Parents in Missouri Adoption

If you’ve chosen to place your child for adoption, you have made a courageous and selfless decision. It isn’t easy, but many pregnancy-related support services can assist you. Let the adoption counselors at A Gift of Hope Adoptions provide you with physical and emotional support throughout the process.  Work With a Reputable, Professional Adoption Agency

The Role of Adoption Agencies in Missouri: A Comprehensive Guide

In 2020, the United States had over 95,000 adoptions completed. Many of those adoptions were from foster care or by a stepparent, but that number also includes adoptions through licensed private adoption agencies. An agency’s role is to facilitate adoptions between all parties.  Here is a comprehensive guide to show you what to look for

Open Adoption in Missouri: What do You Need to Know?

The majority of adoptions today are open. What is an open adoption? It means an expectant or birth mother communicates directly with the adoptive couple she selects as her child’s parents.  Learn more about the various adoption plans and how choosing an open adoption could be perfect for you and your child. What are the

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Elizabeth and A Gift of Hope have been a touchstone during our adoption process. Having had issues with a previous agency – Elizabeth was a breath of fresh air! Reassuring, supportive and empathetic. We are so in love with our daughter and thank A Gift of Hope everyday for her!

AGOHA is a great agency that has provided amazing support and guidance though the adoption process. Would highly recommend AGOHA!

Our family has used their services for adoption. It’s wonderful dealing with someone who is looking out for the whole child, not just placing kids.

A Gift of Hope Adoptions is a Godsend for so many expectant young mothers. I completely recommend this organization for anyone interested in providing a wonderful life for their soon-to-be baby. This organization is also a Godsend for those of us who cannot have our own biological children.

I have recommended A Gift of Hope Adoptions to several mother’s considering adoptions for their babies. They have been so happy to feel supported and empowered through their decision.
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“We adopted both of our sons through A Gift of Hope Adoptions. They helped us every step of the way and answered all the questions we had, and we had a lot! We would not be where we are today, with two busy boys in our family, if it wasn’t for A Gift of Hope.”

“We decided to use A Gift of Hope Adoptions because they are very personal and caring. The wait and uncertainty of adoption seemed daunting, but A Gift of Hope helped make the process go smoothly, and we couldn’t be happier with our beautiful child.”