Doctors divide pregnancies into trimesters. At 39 weeks, a pregnancy is considered full-term. If you are in your second trimester, you are between 13 and 27 weeks, limiting your options.
You do have choices, though. Consider the following as some of your options.
Placing Your Child for Adoption
We understand it’s hard to consider carrying a child for 39 or 40 weeks and then placing them for adoption, but if circumstances don’t allow you to parent, adoption could be an excellent choice.
Reputable adoption agencies provide thorough counseling before birth parents ever make an adoption plan. At A Gift of Hope, our adoption coordinator works closely with you to discuss your situation and determine if adoption is best. We provide support and counseling 24/7 throughout the entire process.
When you choose an open or semi-open adoption plan, you also select the potential adoptive parents who raise your child. You choose the future you want for them. Plus, these plans let you have contact with your child after finalization.
Choosing to place your child for adoption costs you nothing. You receive all your medical care if not already covered by insurance. It’s also possible to receive assistance for items such as rent, transportation to and from doctor’s visits, maternity clothing, food, etc.
If you would like to know more about the possibility of adoption for your child, fill out our confidential online contact form.
Choosing to Parent
Although parenting wasn’t part of your plans at this time, it is possible. Many resources are available to assist you. Missouri has programs that help you with rent, utilities, food, job skills, childcare, etc.
You may be surprised at the amount of help available. We want what’s best for you and your child. If you choose to parent, we can help you discover assistance in your area.
Having an Abortion
Missouri banned abortion, except to save the life of the mother, a couple of years ago. Because you are in your second trimester of pregnancy, you would most likely have a surgical procedure. Surgery would require you to travel out of state.
The FDA approves abortion drugs (the abortion pill method) through 10 weeks of pregnancy only. The further along you are in your pregnancy, the less effective the drugs become.
How Do I Know What to Do?
Only you can decide what’s best for you and your child. Consider getting an ultrasound to determine how far along you are in your pregnancy. Knowing how many more weeks you have will help you better understand your choices.
We’re available to talk if you need someone to confide in. Sharing your feelings about pregnancy, your future, and your circumstances helps determine your next steps. By contacting us, you aren’t committing to an adoption plan.
We’re here to help. Call us at 1-888-564-HOPE (4673).
This blog is for informational purposes only. This is not legal or medical advice. While we try our best to reflect current laws with accuracy at the time of writing, please note the laws can change over time.