
Is Abortion or Adoption Right for Me?

pregnant woman considering abortion

Facing an unplanned pregnancy means you have a big decision to make. Should you choose to have an abortion or make an adoption plan? Neither choice is easy to make, but they have very different outcomes. Only you can decide what’s best for you. Let’s take a closer look.

Have You Confirmed Your Pregnancy?

This may seem strange to ask, but knowing as much about your pregnancy as possible is vital. First, you need to know if your pregnancy is viable. A viable pregnancy means it is developing with a detectable heartbeat.

Believe it or not, a positive pregnancy test result may not be enough. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) estimates that as many as 26% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage. Depending on when you took your test, you could get a positive result even though you’ve miscarried already.

Knowing how far along you are in your pregnancy is also critical. Period-tracking apps aren’t as reliable as they say. Many women find out the date they got pregnant is entirely different than what they thought.

How do you discover if you’ve miscarried or how far along you are? Ultrasound is your most effective way to get answers. If you live in central Missouri, we recommend you visit My Life Clinic for a no-cost, confidential pregnancy test and ultrasound.

Should I Choose Abortion?

If you are considering an abortion, you must know how far along you are in your pregnancy. The number of weeks determines the type of abortion procedure you can receive. For instance, the FDA recommends not using the abortion pill method after 10 weeks. You may need a surgical procedure if you’ve been pregnant longer.

Since Missouri banned abortion except in cases of medical emergency, you may be required to travel out of state. Make sure you understand the different procedures, side effects, and potential risks first. 

You can experience physical and emotional consequences with abortion. Be prepared ahead of time by talking with a health professional.

What About Adoption?

Both of these options terminate something. Abortion ends your pregnancy. Making an adoption plan terminates your parental rights. However, if you choose to place your child for adoption, you can still build a relationship with them and their adoptive family.

Open adoption is the most popular plan today. The birth parents can choose the adoptive couple with an open or semi-open adoption. You view profiles and select the perfect couple to raise your child. Then, you agree on the type and amount of communication you want.

Which Is the Best Choice?

Make this decision not only for today but for your future, too. Both options have lasting consequences, and both involve loss and grief. But if you would like to see your child grow, contact A Gift of Hope Adoptions to learn more about this choice.

Placing your child for adoption costs you nothing. Depending on your situation, you may receive financial assistance for pregnancy-related expenses such as rent, food, maternity clothes, and transportation.

Call us at 1-888-564-HOPE (4673) or fill out our confidential online contact form. We’re here to answer your questions and help you in any way possible.

This blog is for informational purposes only. This is not legal or medical advice. While we try our best to reflect current laws with accuracy at the time of writing, please note the laws can change over time.

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Elizabeth and A Gift of Hope have been a touchstone during our adoption process. Having had issues with a previous agency – Elizabeth was a breath of fresh air! Reassuring, supportive and empathetic. We are so in love with our daughter and thank A Gift of Hope everyday for her!

AGOHA is a great agency that has provided amazing support and guidance though the adoption process. Would highly recommend AGOHA!

Our family has used their services for adoption. It’s wonderful dealing with someone who is looking out for the whole child, not just placing kids.

A Gift of Hope Adoptions is a Godsend for so many expectant young mothers. I completely recommend this organization for anyone interested in providing a wonderful life for their soon-to-be baby. This organization is also a Godsend for those of us who cannot have our own biological children.

I have recommended A Gift of Hope Adoptions to several mother’s considering adoptions for their babies. They have been so happy to feel supported and empowered through their decision.
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“We adopted both of our sons through A Gift of Hope Adoptions. They helped us every step of the way and answered all the questions we had, and we had a lot! We would not be where we are today, with two busy boys in our family, if it wasn’t for A Gift of Hope.”

“We decided to use A Gift of Hope Adoptions because they are very personal and caring. The wait and uncertainty of adoption seemed daunting, but A Gift of Hope helped make the process go smoothly, and we couldn’t be happier with our beautiful child.”