The overturning of Roe v. Wade has upended a lot of services. Each state’s abortion clinics, doctors, and lawyers are trying to figure out what can and can’t happen regarding abortion. The adoption process has been changing for decades, and changes will continue.
Why Choose Adoption?
Abortion is illegal in Missouri except in the case of a medical emergency. If you can’t access an abortion and parenting isn’t an option, making an adoption plan is an excellent alternative.
A woman who chooses adoption for her child has determined it is the best way of putting her child’s needs first. It’s selfless, brave, and hard all at once.
You could have many reasons why bringing a child into your life at this time isn’t possible. Are you already raising older children, and you aren’t ready or able to care for another child? Is your relationship with your partner unstable, or did he disappear? Women consider adoption for many reasons, and part of the adoption process is determining for yourself if it is the best option for you.
The Adoption Process
Decades ago, most adoptions were closed. A closed adoption meant the birth mother did not know who had adopted her child and where they went. The mother and child struggled with questions and fears throughout their lives.
Today, the majority of adoptions are open or semi-open. When choosing either of these plans, you also select the potential adoptive couple to raise your child.
Over the years, the requirements to adopt have changed, too. A couple hoping to adopt must get background checks for child abuse, a home study to ensure their home is secure, health screenings, and more.
The prospective parents also submit a family profile to help you get to know them before you choose.
The Impact On Adoption
The Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade will impact adoption. Without abortion options, more women may consider adoption for their children.
Adoption agencies will continue carefully examining each potential couple’s background to assure a birth mom that her child will be safe and loved.
As mothers and their adopted children share the benefits of open and semi-open plans, other women will recognize the advantage of choosing adoption.
Is Adoption Right For You?
No one can force you to make an adoption plan. Only you know if this is the best choice for you and your child’s future.
Learn more about adoption from a caring specialist at A Gift Of Hope Adoptions. We can review the process of choosing the potential adoptive parents, what financial assistance is available, and Missouri’s legal requirements.
We are a full-service adoption agency where you can receive the necessary support and counseling to explore if making an adoption plan is right for you and your child. Fill out our online contact form or give us a call at 888-564-HOPE.