If you are considering placing your child for adoption, you may be wondering about the different adoption plans and which one is best. You have three choices: open, semi-open, and closed. The right plan depends on how much contact you want with the adoptive family and your child after the finalization.
The Three Adoption Plans
In years past, a woman was ashamed of being pregnant and single. It was an embarrassment to her family, friends, and even her community.
Many times a young woman was sent away to give birth in another city. The baby was often placed for adoption whether she agreed or not.
Today, society has changed. An unmarried woman who unexpectedly becomes pregnant has choices. One of those is making an adoption plan for her child.
The birth mother (and father, if available) chooses the couple to raise her child and decides if she wants to be in contact with their family. She selects the adoption plan that feels most comfortable to her.
Open Plan
You will choose an open adoption if you want to communicate freely with your child and their adoptive parents. You and the adoptive family exchange identifying information such as full names, addresses, phone numbers, etc.
Before the adoption finalization, you will discuss the type and amount of communication you wish to have. It could even be meeting in person regularly.
Closed Plan
If you don’t want to know the adoptive family or meet your child later, you will choose a closed adoption. With this plan, the adoption agency selects an adoptive family for your child, and the courts will seal all records.
Semi-Open Plan
To maintain a little privacy but also have some communication, you will select a semi-open plan. You can contact the adoptive family and receive pictures and letters, but your adoption agency handles all communication.
A Gift Of Hope Adoptions Can Help You Decide
To learn more about the adoption process and the different adoption plans, call A Gift of Hope Adoptions at 1-888-564-HOPE. Our adoption counselors will be happy to talk with you.
You have a big decision to make. Get as much information as possible to make a confident choice. We can help you. Contact us today!