You have several choices if you are thinking about making an adoption plan. It’s possible to select the potential adoptive parents. You also choose from one of three adoption plans. When you pick a closed or confidential plan, you have complete anonymity. See which plan is right for you.
What is an Adoption Plan?
When you work with a reputable adoption agency, they will assist you in setting up your adoption plan. Every plan is as unique as every woman, and the agency will help you tailor yours to your specific requests.
You select the type of adoption you want: open, semi-open, or closed. If you choose an open or semi-open adoption, you also select the potential adoptive couple. As you move forward in your pregnancy, your plan includes any special pregnancy-related assistance you need, such as medical and legal expenses. There is also the possibility of help with housing, food, etc.
As you near your due date, your adoption plan covers your arrangements for labor and delivery. Plus, you determine how much contact you want with your baby after they are born.
Is a Closed Adoption Best?
Women place their children for adoption for many different reasons. Sometimes, when a woman is in an abusive relationship or fears for the safety of her child, she selects a closed or confidential adoption. Some birth mothers feel it would be easier to move on with their lives if they don’t have contact with their child or the adoptive family in the future.
With a closed adoption, you do not directly pick the potential adoptive parents. You share with your adoption coordinator what is important to you, and they select a couple. You do not know the couple’s name, and they do not learn yours. After your baby is born, you have no further contact, and the courts seal the original birth certificate.
Only you can determine if a closed adoption is best for you. At one time, birth mothers and adoptive couples were offered only closed plans. Open or semi-open adoption is a fairly recent trend, but today, these plans account for 90 to 95% of all adoptions.
Why Should I Work With A Gift of Hope Adoptions?
A Gift of Hope Adoptions provides the personal attention you deserve. We have access to couples nationwide and can help you create an adoption plan perfect for you and your child.
Whether you are expecting or have already given birth, it is never too late to make an adoption plan. Contact us and let us know how we can assist you. Even if you need some questions answered, we’re here to help. Fill out our confidential online contact form or call us at 1-888-564-HOPE (4673). Don’t worry. There is an answer. There is hope.
This blog is for informational purposes only. This is not legal or medical advice. While we try our best to reflect current laws with accuracy at the time of writing, please note the laws can change over time.