Deciding what to do about an unexpected pregnancy is one of the most significant decisions you will ever make. You have three choices: have an abortion, make an adoption plan, or choose to parent. Let’s take a closer look at the benefits of placing your child for adoption for you and your child.
The Benefits for You
Although choosing adoption is not an easy decision, there are many benefits. Here are a few:
- It costs you nothing to place your child for adoption.
- You select the adoptive couple who will raise your child.
- Depending on the adoption plan you choose, you can continue a relationship with your child as they grow.
- All of your medical and legal expenses are covered.
- You can continue pursuing your education or career.
- Depending on your needs, other pregnancy-related expenses may also be covered.
- You will always be your child’s first mother and a part of their life story.
- You have the assurance your child is loved and cared for.
The Benefits for Your Child
- Your child lives with the loving and supportive family that you’ve chosen.
- An adoptive family has more resources, providing your child with more opportunities in life.
- If you choose to have a relationship with your child through open or semi-open adoption, they have a stronger sense of identity, learn their heritage, and know their birth family loves them.
- Your child benefits from having a two-parent household.
- Your child has access to healthcare and education.
Is Adoption the Right Choice for Me?
Only by discussing your situation and understanding the adoption process can you determine if adoption is the right choice. It is not a one-time decision. Adoption is for a lifetime.
At A Gift of Hope Adoptions, we know the strength and determination it takes to place a child for adoption. Having proper counseling is critical to making that decision. You should never feel coerced or manipulated into placing your child.
Because we are a fully licensed, non-profit adoption agency, expectant parents receive professional long-term care and support. We have access to potential adoptive parents nationwide and are confident you will find the perfect couple to raise your child. You’re welcome to take a moment to search through some of our waiting families.
No matter your choice, we’re here to listen and help you find what’s best for your future.
This blog is for informational purposes only. This is not legal or medical advice. While we try our best to reflect current laws with accuracy at the time of writing, please note the laws can change over time.