Creating an adoption plan for a woman facing an unplanned pregnancy or a potential adoptive couple may seem mind-boggling, but it doesn’t have to be. Both parties can be confident when they work with a reputable agency that thoroughly understands its state’s adoption laws. Contact A Gift of Hope Adoptions to learn more about Missouri’s requirements for adoption.
Are There National Regulations for Adoption?
There are few federal laws that control the adoption process.
As a result, individual states have different adoption laws and regulations. In Missouri, adoption procedures can even vary by county. Although this can complicate the process, working with a professional, licensed adoption agency ensures you follow the state’s adoption laws.
Are There Requirements to Place My Child for Adoption?
There are no requirements to make an adoption plan for your child. Women from all walks of life place their children for adoption for many different reasons.
A woman might choose this option because of her age, the responsibility of raising other children, a desire to pursue her education or a career, lack of finances, or many other reasons.
You can create an adoption plan while you are expecting or even after giving birth. Your adoption coordinator will have you fill out a confidential form asking for information about you and your immediate family’s education, personality, and health issues.
What Are the Requirements to Adopt for Couples?
Missouri’s adoption requirements are similar to other states. The following are some of the requirements to adopt in the state:
- Must be over the age of 21
- Provide proof of good mental and physical health
- Pass a child abuse and criminal record background check, including fingerprints
- Agree to a home study
- Have a stable income
- Take custody of the child for six months before the final adoption decree.
- If requested, agree to a legally enforceable open adoption contract
Can I Change My Mind?
Like every other adoption regulation, states differ in their rules for changing your mind.
This stage of the process is one primary reason why it’s necessary to select an ethical, reputable adoption agency that fully explains the law and thoroughly counsels you.
Do You Have More Questions?
If you are facing an unplanned pregnancy and considering adoption, talk with our adoption counselor. We are happy to answer your questions, explain the process, and assist with counseling so you can make a confident decision.
Placing your baby for adoption is a major decision, requiring you to gather as much information as possible. Please call us at 1-888-564-HOPE or fill out our confidential online contact form. You are not committing to adoption by contacting us.
This blog is for informational purposes only. This is not legal or medical advice. While we try our best to reflect current laws with accuracy at the time of writing, please note the laws can change over time.