An unexpected pregnancy is upsetting, even frightening, depending on your situation. In deciding how to handle it, you need to consider finances, future plans, current responsibilities, and your emotional and physical support. As you consider your next step, placing your child for adoption can be the answer to your situation.
1. Finances
No reputable adoption agency should ever ask you to pay for adoption services. But did you know that while putting together your adoption plan, potential financial help is available to pay for certain expenses?
It is illegal in all states to pay a woman to choose adoption. However, Missouri does allow an expectant woman to receive assistance for pregnancy-related expenses.
A Gift of Hope Adoptions can arrange for your housing, utilities, food, and maternity clothing expenses to be covered. In addition, your medical, legal, and counseling fees are free.
2. Future Plans
By choosing adoption, you can continue your plans for your future. Although having your baby will require time away, you can quickly move forward afterward.
If you are still in school, you can finish your education with minimal time off. Because of Title IX, a federal government ruling, schools are required to make special arrangements for pregnant women to continue classes and class assignments.
Many women considering adoption have already begun working. When you make an adoption plan for your child, you have the ability to continue building your career.
3. Caring For Others
Some women are already caring for other children. When discovering an unexpected pregnancy, they realize the necessary finances, energy, and time isn’t there to raise another little one.
Parenting, especially single parenting, is difficult. Parenthood becomes overwhelming without the assistance of a spouse, partner, or family member.
There is no shame in realizing you’ve reached the end of your abilities and need to place this next child for adoption. By choosing an open or semi-open plan, you can still gain information about them to know they are safe and loved.
4. Focus On You
Facing an unexpected pregnancy is stressful. Everyone suddenly has an opinion about what steps you should take, but now is the time to focus on yourself.
Do you feel you are too young or too old to parent? Perhaps you don’t want to be a parent at all.
Poor physical or mental health can also be an obstacle to successful parenting. You can focus on regaining your strength without the responsibility of raising a child.
If you are concerned about the safety of the child because of your living situation or current relationship, making an adoption plan ensures their well-being. At A Gift of Hope Adoptions, potential adoptive couples are screened thoroughly with background checks and a home study.
5. Being A Parent Without Parenting
As the birth mother, you choose the adoption plan for your child. By selecting an open or semi-open adoption, you pick the potential adoptive couple, the type of lifestyle you want for your child, and the amount and type of communication you’d like.
You can build a relationship with your child and have the ability to explain why you chose adoption for them. They, in turn, can connect with their birth family and ask important questions.
You will always be a vital part of your child’s life story. You are a mother who has chosen to parent in a different way.
Adoption, as well as your other choices for your unexpected pregnancy, is a difficult decision. Our adoption counselors are available to explore this option with you. We provide free counseling and can connect you with peer support groups.
Contact A Gift of Hope Adoptions to discuss the benefits of choosing adoption. We’re here to offer the hope and support you need.